Adult Education begins tomorrow!

Tomorrow begins our Adult Education series following along with the ELCA’s request to have congregations consider how they understand “eucharistic hospitality.” Our course will take the shape of three sections:

  • What are Baptism and Communion?
  • What is hospitality?
  • What does Zion practice and teach?

We will use some elements from the ELCA’s “Table & Font” resources each week (see our resource page), as well as the Bible, the Lutheran Confessions, our congregation’s traditions, and our lived experiences.

By the end of the course, we will be able to construct a congregational understanding of who and how we welcome to Holy Communion, to be submitted to the ELCA for consideration (along with statements from as many other congregations as participate) in their discernment process about eucharistic hospitality.

Outlines of the discussion will be posted following each session, so that those who are unable to attend but interested in the information can access it and comment on it.

Childcare will be available for those who require it.

See you tomorrow, Sunday, February 22, at 9:00am in the Library!