Anti-poverty Network Event 5/18/15

apn imageThe Commitment to End Poverty
Monday, May 18, 2015  –  6 to 9 PM

On the evening of May 18, anti-poverty partners from around the state will gather to celebrate the commitment to end poverty, and the difference that is made by our committed community and leaders. In special recognition for their lifetime work to end poverty we will be honoring two special advocates: Congressman Rush Holt and Legal Services Attorney Connie Pascale.

This celebratory evening will include networking, dinner, screening of APN’s 15th anniversary video, presentation of the awards, and most importantly the opportunity to celebrate the difference we can all make together. A variety of contribution levels are available to take part in this momentous celebration.

For more information and tickets visit the Anti-Poverty Network website.

Lutheran Office of Governmental Ministry, New Jersey Synod ELCA