As a nation we mourn, and as Christian citizens we must act.


Today we continue to mourn. We mourn those killed in Orlando. We mourn the Charleston Nine who were killed just a year ago. We mourn all of our sisters and brothers who have lost their lives due to senseless acts of gun violence.“We are killing ourselves. We believe that all people are cr

As a nation we mourn, and as citizens we must act.

In a memorandum released by our Presiding Bishop a few days ago, The Rev. Elizabeth Eaton stated that “Our work begins now… We must speak peace and reconciliation into the cacophony of hatred and division. We must live the truth that all people are created in God’s image.”

We have already resolved as a church to work for the passage and strict enforcement of laws that control the manufacture and sale of weapons not used for hunting and sport, or for use other than law enforcement and military purposes. (Read more about the ELCA social policy resolution: “Community Violence – Gun Control by clicking here.)

Our work begins now.

Call Congress today and urge your members to support gun safety measures! You can also take action at our ELCA Advocacy Action Center.

After years of partisan political wrangling and inaction, the tragic massacre on June 12 has left Congress at a tipping point in which real action may be possible. Two Democratic measures and two Republican measures to address gun violence could be voted on as soon as Monday, June 20. All four measures take small but meaningful steps toward keeping devastating weapons of war out of the hands of individuals who are determined to harm others.

Call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121

  1. Ask the Capitol switchboard to be connected to your members of Congress.
  2. Use the sample script below when you are connected to a staff person:


As a Lutheran and a Christian in your state/district, I know Congress has to do something to address gun violence in the United States. Please urge Senator/Representative (name) to support measures that help keep weapons of war out of the hands of those who want to cause harm to innocent Americans. The senseless violence in Orlando and so many other communities has to stop now.

We need laws that control the manufacture and sale of weapons not used for hunting and sport, or for use other than law enforcement and military purposes. Please support measures that effectively monitor the sale of weapons, that stop potential terrorists from obtaining guns, and that consider the mental health of those seeking to purchase weapons.

Thank you for your advocacy action! Please share this message with your friends and family.

In the second place, this commandment is violated not only when we do evil, but also when we have the opportunity to do good to our neighbors and to prevent, protect, and save them from suffering bodily harm or injury but fail to do so. (Large Catechism)

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