Community Clean-up

ELCA-Logo-VerticalWe, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), celebrate our 25th anniversary in 2013.  We are a church that is deeply rooted – and always being made new.

Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church will join the 4 million members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to commemorate this church’s 25th anniversary by participating in “God’s work. Our hands”.

Zion will have a Neighborhood Clean-up on Saturday, a special day of service September 7, 2013 from 9:00am to 2:00pm and culminating with a celebration at our Rally Day Sunday, September 8, 2013.

The clean-up will be held on Elm & Esterbrook Avenues, within a one block radius forming a cross, with Esterbrook & Elm Avenues as the center.   

For 25 years, the ELCA has been a church deeply rooted in faith and in sharing its passion for making positive changes in the world.  Under the theme “Always being made new, “Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church joins ELCA congregations, synods, church wide ministries and other partners to observe the anniversary year by continuing to boldly participate in God’s work in the world – restoring and reconciling communities, and pursuing peace and justice.

Please Sign-up in the Narthex or email the head of any Committee within the church and let them know your intent.

Thank you,

The Stewardship Team.