Join Christian Leaders in advocating for a just budget

ELCA Advocacy Action Alert

Urge Congress to fund vital international programs now!

This week, church and community leaders from the ELCA and The Episcopal Church will gather in Washington, DC for the 2015 Advocacy Convening. The convening will be a time to reflect upon the role of faith in finding common ground and values in the midst of political discord.

On Thursday, we will visit over 60 Congressional offices to urge support for federal programs that help vulnerable people and communities struggling with extreme poverty, climate change, and humanitarian crises. Our advocacy occurs at an important time, as Pope Francis visits Washington and addresses Congress and as the Sept. 30 deadline approaches to decide funding for the federal government.

Pope Francis is expected to deliver a message that addresses many of the issues raised in his June 18 encyclical, including global hunger and poverty and the relationship to caring for creation. This means we are likely to hear him echo our message and make a powerful, urgent, and direct call to action for the care of God’s earth and for leaders to address hunger, poverty and income equality around the globe.

As we advocate on Capitol Hill, join us in lifting up our unique voice during this critical moment. 

As Congress discusses how it will allocate funds to national and international programs use your voice to ensure the support or expansion of programs that:

  • Provide appropriate U.S. funding for health and refugee services, emergency food assistance, and other development programs through the International Affairs Account. ($49 billion)
  • Promote robust structures that help developing countries adopt clean energy technologies and adapt to climate change impacts through the Green Climate Fund. ($500 Million)
  • Protect children and families in Central America by investing in poverty, human rights, and citizen security

Learn more about these issues by clicking here!

Please click here to join our advocacy action and send a letter to your members of Congress.


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