Lutheran Disaster Response: U.S. Spring Storms

Lutheran Disaster Response

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest.”
– Matthew 11:28

Dear Sisters and brothers in Christ,

In the midst of Lent, our neighbors cry out with weary hearts as heavy winds, floodwaters and tornadoes have affected many regions of the U.S., especially Louisiana and Texas. We anticipate more devastation in the days and weeks ahead.

In many areas in the South, river flooding has reached historic levels, affecting streets and highways, damaging or destroying homes, causing thousands to evacuate, and leaving at least five dead.

Your gifts to respond to these U.S. spring storms through Lutheran Disaster Response will work to bring God’s hope, healing and renewal to those who have been affected. Together, we stand with synods, congregations, pastors and Lutheran-affiliated social ministries as we work together to respond.

Lutheran Disaster Response’s coordinators are currently present, working with local communities and officials to begin planning the long-term recovery. We are ready to respond and walk with survivors in the weeks and months ahead, for as long as we are needed.

Gifts designated for U.S. Spring Storms will be used in full (100 percent) until the response is complete to help disaster survivors recover and rebuild their lives. Your generous offerings of prayer and financial support will help address the unmet needs of those affected.

Join me in prayer and partnership, and use this bulletin insert in your congregation to help spread the word and support those who need rest.

In service,


The Rev. Daniel Rift
Director, ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


Ways to Give

Checks or money orders should be sent to:

Lutheran Disaster Response
P.O. Box 1809
Merrifield, VA 22116-8009

Write “U.S. Spring Storms” on your check memo line.
Give by phone at 800-638-3522 or online.

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